By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter
Updated Some parking charges in Southampton are to be scrapped to ‘help the economy’ - but the move has been criticised as ‘populist’ and ‘out of step’.
Evening parking charges in council off-street car parks in the city centre – including multi-storey car parks- will be scrapped from June 21.
Parking will be free Monday to Saturday from 6pm to midnight and on Sundays from 12pm to 6pm.
A public consultation on the move closes on June 21 25 with a final decision on the future of the scheme set to be made by cabinet members at Southampton City Council on July 19.
Next month the council is also expected to decide whether to scrap on-street evening parking in the city centre Monday to Saturday from 6pm to 8pm.
The move was among the pledges made by the Conservatives earlier this year before they took control of the city council in the May elections.
The authority said the move is part of the council’s Get Southampton Moving campaign aimed at supporting local businesses.
But some concerns have been raised over the impact of the move on council’s finances and the environment.
Cllr Sarah Bogle (Lab), shadow cabinet for transport, said: “I think it’s shortsighted and out of step. I don’t think it is the right decision. It is a populist decision.”
Leader of the opposition Cllr Satvir Kaur (Lab) added: “The Conservatives think scrapping evening parking charges is a silver bullet for our local economy with little to no evidence to support this claim. Labour believe there are better ways to support businesses during this time, instead of a gamble like this that will only result in council cuts elsewhere.”
But Cllr Jeremy Moulton (Con), deputy council leader and cabinet member for transport, said there will be no impact on services and stressed that the administration is committed to freezing council tax next year.
He added: “Scrapping parking charges will help the economy get back on its feet and if we can get more people coming to town that will help the hospitality trade. It is entirely the right thing to do.”
The financial impact of the scheme is yet to be revealed but Cllr Moulton said an amendment to the council budget will be presented to full council next month.
“We’re excited to welcome everyone back to Southampton and enjoy everything our great city has to offer”, he added.
Charges will continue to apply: Monday to Saturday (8am to 6pm) in all council off-street car parks (including multi-storey car parks); Monday to Saturday (8am to 8pm) in all council on-street pay and display locations.
Signage will be in place in car parks and next to parking machines, the council said.
Selected Twitter comments:
This policy didn’t work in Kirkcaldy
— Rebecca Kinge (@kinge_rebecca) June 14, 2021
If you made bus travel in and out of the city free in the evenings instead of scraping parking charges and encouraging cars, that would surely be better? Less risk of drink driving then and more money spent in the venues.
— Stephen C Phillips (@scphillipz) June 11, 2021
The move will apply to the following car parks from June 21:
Albion Place
Amoy Street
Bedford Place MSCP
Bond Street
Castle Way
Civic Centre Forecourt
College Street
Commercial Road
Compton Walk
Crosshouse Hard
Eastgate MSCP
Gloucester Square
Grosvenor Square (North)
Grosvenor Square MSCP
Handford Place
Harbour Parade
James Street
Kings Park Road
Marlands MSCP
Mayflower Park
Northam Road
Ordnance Road
Six Dials
Southampton Street
Southbrook Road North
Southbrook Road South
Trinity Road
West Park (MSCP)
Wilton Avenue
Wyndham Place
Updated 16/6/21 with link to consultation and deadline information provided by SCC
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