Contractor appointed for two Townhill Park housing schemes

Map of Plot 9 and Plot 10 1000px SCC suppliedSouthampton City Council (SCC) has appointed Drew Smith Ltd to progress the designs and secure detailed planning consent for around 60 homes on two development sites at Townhill Park.



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The council said the two sites are off Copse Road and Rowlands Walk and the development is likely to be a mixture of houses and flats and provide around 60 new homes.

Map of Plot 9 and Plot 10 1000px SCC supplied

Cllr Vassiliou, cabinet member for communities, culture and heritage, said: “These development sites will bring forward much-needed homes plus benefits to the wider community by providing opportunities for all through boosting the local economy and creating a cleaner, safer and healthier neighbourhood. 

Kim Ayling, chair of community group SO18 Big Local, said the group looked forward to working with Drew Smith, Southampton City Council, “and our local community who are keen to be involved in the designs for the new homes”.

She added: “The regeneration of Townhill Park is a fantastic example of local people contributing to local changes on a significant scale and long may it continue.”

As reported in March 2021, Drew Smith Ltd was awarded a similar appointment for the design of around 200 apartments on the vacant site off Meggeson Avenue/Townhill Way under the previous council administration.

And also as reported, this area of Townhill Park will also benefit from a new community green space which features a new enlarged children’s play area, outdoor gym and improved car parking along Ozier Road.

Improvements to Ozier Road also include additional disabled parking and access and a serviced space with power and water for a concession stand.

Carried out by SCC’s highways partner Balfour Beatty, work started on June 14 and is expected to last around eight weeks, the council said.

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