Could Southampton Jobs Week help you find your next job?

176.2 Jobs Week Header cropped 460pxThe city council’s inaugural Southampton Jobs Week runs from August 9 to 13, and it's all about helping people find their next job, and employers secure local talent.


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Activities include:

• Careers advice and guidance for young people as they receive their GCSE results.

• A Virtual Jobs Fair on Wednesday, August 11 with the aim of directly linking recruiting companies such as IKEA, Carnival and G4S with local jobseekers. For more information and to book a place, visit

• The launch of the Young Adults Employment Hub (Youth Hub) on Thursday, August 12 in Guildhall Square from 12pm - 4pm. Young people and their families will have the chance to learn more about the Hub and meet the council’s employment support team, as well as visit different organisations providing a range of job-related support services. Young people will also have the opportunity to meet employers with live Kickstart vacancies at the ‘Kickstart your Summer’ event, held at MAST Mayflower Studios. Young jobseekers are encouraged to “dress for the occasion” as many employers will be carrying out interviews on the day.

Throughout Southampton Jobs Week, there will be Kickstart, Jobs and Apprenticeships hours on Twitter account @sotoncareers and videos, success stories and advice posted online so look out for the hashtag #SotonJobsWeek.

A special episode of a podcast, ‘THE JOBCAST’ will also be published on Tuesday (August 10), where residents can hear advice, find out about the Youth Hub and get a taste of what’s to come for the rest of the week.

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