Call for more police officers in Southampton

When will extra officers be deployed?’

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

police on foot at Triangle 200pxCouncillors have called for more police officers in Southampton to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.


The newly elected police and crime commissioner Donna Jones (Con) is being asked to ensure that more officers are deployed across the city.

The news comes as according to a report Southampton is ranked third worst in the country for crime deprivation.

Ms Jones previously pledged to recruit 600 new police officers across Hampshire.

But Southampton leaders said they want to ensure Southampton gets “its fair share”.

At a full council meeting held on Monday evening (Oct 11) councillors raised concerns over the number of police officers in the city.

'Proper investment'

Cllr Darren Paffey (Lab) said: “We need more officers than we have now, that is what will make people feel safer in their own neighbourhood. It is not just about having more, it is about having enough and that is what we are asking for, having our fair share. We need a proper investment of more officers on the beat in our neighbourhoods.”

 Cllr Matthew Renyard (Lab) asked when the extra police officers are going to be recruited and deployed.

 “We have seen this increase in police precept yet we have seen no extra officers,” he added.

 He also asked all councillors to call on Ms Jones to “provide policing levels that go higher than pre-2010 numbers” and to bring forward a plan for more police stations with a front office.

 But his request put forward in a motion was not included in the final motion passed by councillors.

 'Pushing firmly'

Cllr Jeremy Moulton (Con), Southampton City Council deputy council leader, said the council has put aside £500,000 as part of a community fund to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime.

He also said the authority is set to invest in new CCTV cameras across the city.

He added: “We have a new PCC, she understands the impact of tackling crime in the city. We need to work with her to get the best outcome for Southampton and I think we are pushing firmly.”

The number of new police officers to be sent to Southampton is yet to be confirmed.

But in a statement police and crime commissioner Donna Jones said the city is the largest urban area in Hampshire and “for this reason it has been a top priority in terms of additional police numbers”.

She added: “This will continue. As police commissioner I am committed to making Southampton one of the safest cities in the U.K. Policing in Southampton is set to get stronger and as a result tougher on crime.”

She also confirmed that she is working on plans to increase the forensic capabilities in the city.

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