Lances Hill transport hub plans scrapped

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

lances hill 23 6 21 600px P1020253The council has said that a planned park and transport hub at Lances Hill in Bitterne, designed to “provide sustainable alternative ways to travel”, won’t now go ahead because residents fear it would “create chaos” and increase traffic, pollution and anti-social behaviour.

 Cllr Jeremy Moulton (Con), cabinet member for growth, said the scheme was “not suitable” and the decision to scrap the plans was taken by the new administration in the summer.

But Cllr Sarah Bogle (Lab), shadow cabinet member for transport, said she was concerned that scrapping schemes such as the park and travel hub at Lances Hill car park could “jeopardise” the council’s chances of getting “a decent slice of [a] £3bn [government fund]”.

“I am also concerned that decisions are not being made using evidence, but instead are based on belief – the cancellation of Lances Hill park and ride is an example of this,” she added.

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Lances Hill, Bitterne photographed in June 2021

Meanwhile discounted bus tickets in Southampton are set to continue until at least the end of the year and could be extended until next March.

Councillors have approved funding to allow bus companies Bluestar and First continue the roll-out of £1 evening tickets until the end of the year – which could be extended until March.

The scheme was first introduced earlier this year when evening parking charges in the city centre were scrapped in a bid to support businesses recover from the pandemic.

ldrs logo 200px This article is from the Local Democracy Reporting Service or Shared Data Unit. Some alterations and additions may have been made by our site, which is a partner in the BBC's Local News Partnerships scheme. LDRS journalists are funded by the BBC to cover local authorities and other public service organisations, and content is shared with all partners.

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