Confirmed cases of Omicron variant of Covid-19 in Southampton

keep your distance blue sign Debbie Chase, director of public health at Southampton City Council, has made a statement following four confirmed Omicron variant cases in the city.




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She said:

“We are working with the UK Health Security Agency following confirmation of four cases of the Omicron variant in Southampton that are directly or indirectly linked to travel. While there is no cause for alarm, we are right to be cautious and the detection of this variant in the city is a reminder that the pandemic is not over and that everyone has a role to play in helping to keep themselves, their loved ones and their communities safe.

“We are working with UKSHA to ensure that all contact tracing takes place and residents do not have to take any specific additional actions following the detection of this variant. However we should be vigilant and remember that we all have a role to play in helping to limit the spread of the virus. We can do this by continuing to test in line with national guidance, having our vaccinations and booster shots when eligible, wearing masks in crowded places and in shops and on public transport in line with the government guidance, and self-isolating when required to do so.”

“Any close contacts of a confirmed case of Omicron must also isolate for 10 days, regardless of their vaccine status or age.”

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