A procurement process that was expected to get underway last year to find a new operator to run the local Cobbett Road library doesn’t seem to be going anywhere fast.
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As previously reported, Social Care in Action (SciA) pulled out from running the ‘hubbified’ community library in December 2020, largely blaming the pandemic, which would have had a significant impact on its income stream from renting out rooms.
And, bar one or two activities now taking place there, Cobbett has effectively been closed to library users for a year, while other community libraries in Southampton are understood to have reopened since Covid restrictions eased.
In October 2021 the council cabinet member for communities, culture & heritage Cllr Spiros Vassiliou (Con) told bitternepark.info that “a number of possible partners” had expressed interest, and that a formal procurement process was going to be started “in the next few weeks”.
It had been expected information would have been sent to prospective new partners last year, in the hope that an operator could be in place for the new financial year, but it’s thought that this hasn’t been the case. One organisation known to be interested and expecting information last year has heard nothing, we understand.
'With collaboration and goodwill a new future can be secured for this loved local community asset'
On the positive side it seems there are some signs of life at Cobbett. There are weekly Tai Chi sessions, and maths and English tuition, taking place, while a still active ‘Friends of’ group tends flower beds - and looks forward to brighter times.
We tried to find out about progress of the procurement process again last month but didn’t hear back from the cabinet member. Of course we’ll endeavour to update this piece, or add a new one, if we do.
Tai Chi classes continue at Cobbett Road
In a joint comment about the library, Eamonn Keogh and Tony Bunday, Labour candidates for Peartree and Bitterne Park wards respectively, said it’s “understandable” that finding a new operator “would take time and would not be without its challenges.”
They added: “A special mention should be made for the amazing work of the Friends of Cobbett Road who worked tirelessly to support SCiA when they were in control and who are committed to its reopening. It would be prudent for the Conservative administration who are now running the Council to publicise the current state of progress and plans regarding securing a new provider for this building. It is hoped that with collaboration and goodwill a new future can be secured for this loved local community asset.”
• Tai Chi sessions currently take place at the library on Mondays at 5:45 pm for one hour. £6 per student per session – no payment for missed classes or ‘up front’ payments for each ‘term’. Suitable for different skill levels, socially distanced in a large room with masks worn throughout. Clothes need to be loose enough for gentle stretches. Flat soled, comfortable shoes are suggested.
• For information about hiring space in the library, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at Southampton City Council.
Pic of families enjoying Cobbett Library’s busy Christmas fayre in 2017 in what was then the community room by Steve Hickman
Cobbett Road library: formal procurement process to start