Council wants views on green spaces

spring at riverside parkSouthampton City Council is asking residents what they think about local green spaces.


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Information collected via an interactive map, designed for people to add their thoughts on specific areas, will be used to improve and connect green spaces to help create a healthier place to live for people and wildlife, says the council.

The council continues: “The Green Grid will be the city’s network of green and blue infrastructure, making Southampton more resilient to climate change, reconnecting the city for wildlife and people. The outcome of the consultation will help inform where green space is lacking, establish what residents want in their greenspaces and highlight where important ‘green’ connections are missing.”

The consultation is open until March 18 from

Once you’ve read the introduction scroll down the page to the (small) “Have Your Say” heading. Below this you can click in the interactive map and other links to leave comments. On the map, for example, you could zoom in on Riverside Park to read others’ comments and add your own.

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