Cotton's bakery to close

cotton exterior wide shot oct 2020 460 Updated: Graham Cotton's bakery at the Triangle is to close at the weekend after 49 years.
Retirement fundraiser for Graham Cotton launched



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Graham has said the closure is due to health issues.

It's thought Graham's shop has been at the Triangle since 1974.

In a Bitterne Parker interview on this website in 2014 he said he qualified at the Southampton Bakery College in 1964, and eventually set up his Triangle shop ten years later.

“Although many things have changed over the years, especially shopping habits, I am still hanging on, and so proud to be part of Bitterne Park Triangle,” he said..

Graham has been a prominent figure in the community over the years – and we're very grateful for his longstanding support of this website.

We wish him all the best.

Retirement fundraiser for Graham Cotton launched

• Update: Since we posted this on Thursday evening onto our Facebook page there's already been close to 100 comments:

Barbara Webber wrote: " Been buying our bread there for well nigh 40 years. And cakes, pastries, doughnuts. Lovely shop, lovely staff, best bakery for miles.

"Graham has done so much for the community too. A legend in his own time. Will be greatly missed. Thanking him for his service to the community.
"Can we get him on the Queens birthday honours list?"
Laura Atkinson said: "Aww no! It’s a triangle landmark. I have many memories of washing up the baking trays out the back in the 90s. I also have a lovely scar from smacking my head on the pool table in the changing room ?"
Sharon Barnes wrote: "Such a shame, graham gave me my first job as a sat girl. Which i enjoyed very much till i left school in 86."
And Vicki Holland said: "Wouldn't it be fab if another baker could take it over. Shame to see it sit empty."

Retirement fundraiser for Graham Cotton launched


Video: Graham picks the lucky draw winners!

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