By Jamie Shapiro, Local Democracy Reporter
Voters in Portswood ward, which includes St Denys, will be able to choose up to three candidates in the local elections next Thursday (May 4). Here’s what the candidates said...
• What the Bitterne Park local election candidates say
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Portswood has a total of 14 candidates standing from six parties.
The breakdown is three Labour, three Conservative, three Liberal Democrat, three Green, one TUSC and one Reform UK.
Here is a brief statement from the candidates. For background to the Portswood and Bitterne Park ward elections, and the reason why this time all seats are up for grabs, see our previous piece.
Photo ID needed to vote at polling stations in May
Tony Adhikary – Reform UK“My family has lived in Portswood since 1998 seeing much change but few improvements. I want the best for Portswood, its community and families. Labour and Tory councillors keep throwing our money at the problems, instead of fixing it. Let’s save that money by having a stronger community spirit. I fully support the “SAY NO” to the BROADWAY CLOSURE. The council wants to put 5,000 students into Portswood! I want to reassert the voice of the Portswood people as the scheme will crush small family shops, rip the heart out of Portswood, overload the infrastructure and the value of our homes. It’s time to put the Portswood people back in charge. It’s time to stand and Reform.”
Katherine Jane Barbour – Green Party“Katherine is delighted to be one of the three candidates in Portswood. She has petitioned the council to reduce bus fares to £1 and has worked tirelessly through the year following up issues that affect local people. She can be regularly seen around the ward. Air quality is the biggest issue that she is concerned about and she has concerns that the plans for Portswood Broadway will just move the pollution from one part of Portswood to another. Please give Katherine one of your three votes this May.”
Jonathan Simon Bean – Green Party“Jonathan is a freelance writer and charity fundraiser, working on fundraising applications and project bids for local good causes. Outside of work, he runs, goes to gigs, and loves getting in the sea.
Jonathan grew up on the Isle of Wight and moved to Southampton in 2006 to study history at the University of Southampton. He’s made Southampton his home as he enjoys the city life, with exciting cultural events and a strong sense of community.
A vote for Jonathan Bean is a vote for: £1 bus fares to reduce financial pressures for everyone; clean air for better health for everyone; and decency and integrity in politics, that everyone can trust.”
Paul Alexander Clarke – Liberal Democrats
“Paul was born in Southampton, went to Portswood Primary School and studied at the university. He now works locally as a maths tutor. Paul wants to make Southampton a better place to live by introducing joined up cycling infrastructure, repairing roads and pavements, preventing and reducing homelessness, and investing in renewable energy.”
Gordon John Cooper – Labour“I’ve lived in Portswood for 20 years. Since being elected I’ve taken part in regular litter picks, as well as speaking to residents all year round. My priorities include making sure that Portswood High Street thrives and improving the regulation of HMOs.”
Karen May Edwards – Conservatives“Karen was a director of an insurance company, working for national companies and going on to manage her own company. She has lived in Portswood for 22 years and sits on the committee of both PRG and HRA.
She set up the petition to save our shops and Portswood Broadway as she is passionate about the area and feels there are alternatives ways to improve Portswood than closing 150 yards to traffic, as this will only add to current congestion and pollution.
Fixing roads and pavements whilst keeping costs down are other priorities of Karen’s.”
Anne Marie Finn – Labour“I live in St Denys and work as a community mental health social worker. I have seen first hand the damage done by Tory policies in this area. My priorities are improving mental health in the community, opportunities for young people and the environment.”
John Langran – Liberal Democrats
“John has lived in our city for over 35 years and Portswood. He has held senior roles in both the private and public sectors, and his voluntary work has given him a good insight into the many challenges that face Southampton’s residents. He will use his knowledge and experience to support Portswood residents, through casework and lobbying the council.”
Helen Mary Makrakis – Green Party“Helen has lived and worked in Southampton for 47 years and has been involved with the community through work as school governor and chair of the local Community Action Forum. She started a residents’ association and became the chair of the Forum of Residents’ Associations. Helen was elected as a Southampton City Councillor, (some 25 years ago) and became spokesperson for the environment.
It was during this time that she helped to start the councils’ 24 hour noise and nuisance call out service, amongst other things. Helen’s objective is to help facilitate a linked-up plan for the progression of our city … presently it lacks direction and co-ordination.”
Nicholas Moulton – Conservatives“I have lived in Southampton all my life. I worked for a major pharmaceutical company dealing with the NHS for over 35 years.
I would be honoured to be elected to Portswood.
I would fight to keep the Broadway open and try my best to make Portswood a pleasant place to live. I would make sure taxes are wisely spent.”
Patricia Nellie O’Dell – Conservatives
“Pat has lived in Southampton for over 40 years working as a nurse in the early years and then a florist before retiring. Pat has been an active voluntary community organiser for over 10 years also having been a school governor in a local primary school, she is also a Dementia Friend. She is passionate about the protection of parks and open green spaces in Southampton and is also a trustee of the Charity of Southampton Parks and Commons Protection Society, and has a keen interest in wildlife conservation and is also involved in a local conservation group.”
James Arnold Read – Liberal Democrats
“James has lived in Southampton for over 20 years, and now lives in St Denys. He is actively campaigning for better road and pavement repairs, play areas, and public toilets. James is fighting against Labour’s neglect of Portswood and is passionate about environmental issues, the economy and, as a former auxiliary nurse, the NHS.”
John Savage – Labour“I’ve been a councillor for the last 7 years and from working to save trees at Marhill Copse to fighting for the active travel zone in St Denys, I have always worked to protect our local environment and combat climate change.”
Derek Anthony Twine – Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
“My name is Anthony Twine. I am standing in this election as an independent supporter of TUSC (Trade Union & Socialist Coalition).
If elected under the TUSC banner i will:
• oppose all cuts and closure of council services
• support inflation-proof pay and £15 minimum wage
• reject council tax, rent and service charge rises
• oppose privatisation of council jobs and services
• vote for use of council reserves to avoid making cuts
• support a mass council house building programme
As critical elements of a ‘Peoples’ Budget’
TUSC councillors will support the following emergency measures to ensure that:
No-one is COLD
No-one is HUNGRY
No-one is HOMELESS
Vote for TUSC candidates!”
• What the Bitterne Park local election candidates say
There is some further information on some Portswood candidates on the Who Can I Vote For? website.
Photos: LDRS. Photos have been included where supplied by the Local Democracy Reporting Service
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