Soca Shack getting set to spice up Triangle again

soca shack illuminated sign with balloons 600px 28 9 23Caribbean food outlet Soca Shack is hoping to reopen at the Triangle on Thursday (Jan 11)after a series of mishaps, including a break-in, which have meant a rather longer Christmas close-down than expected.



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Soca’s Marvin Forbes-Broomes told that not only had a break-in caused damage to the front door, possibly meaning a complete replacement will be required, but they’d also suffered a water leak.

And, as reported, there are currently roadworks up Bond Road limiting parking and also making conditions challenging for pedestrians by Soca Shack.

It’s understood the work to connect a supply to the newly-renovated property opposite Hilton Motors, and is set to carry on up to January 16.

Soca Shack launched at the Triangle last September following around a year of other delays, not least for the connection of a suitable gas supply to their premises.

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