Council places preservation order on Midanbury Lane trees

trees off midanbury lane tpo 20240929 133455A preservation order has been slapped on remaining trees on the boundary of Charlton House School, by a footpath off Midanbury Lane, following the unexpected felling of trees on September 22 by persons unknown.


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The felling included a large oak, according to ward councillor Amanda Barnes-Andrews,.

After what’s described as “speedy action” by the council’s trees officer working with the school, remaining trees now have a tree preservation order (TPO) placed upon them, displayed on a nearby telegraph pole when photographed on September 29..

A TPO is designed to protect specified trees from being cut down, topped, or uprooted, and from wilful damage and more.

trees off midanbury lane tpo 20240929 133455

trees off midanbury lane TPO notice 20240929 133507

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