‘Immediate action’ needed for safer Bitterne Road West

bitterne road west towards bitterne sun 600px 20220917 180948A petition has been launched calling for urgent measures to create a safer Bitterne Road West following the latest crash, which also cites a string of other incidents along the same stretch.


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Last week three people suffered minor injuries and were taken to hospital, a car reportedly ended up in someone’s front garden and the road was temporarily closed while emergency services attended.

Now a petition on change.org is calling for action, such as average speed cameras in addition to an existing speed camera..

“This road & this area is home to schools, families, and elderly residents, and it’s only a matter of time before tragedy strikes,” says the petition preamble, which at the time of writing has 327 signatures.

The petition says lives could easily have been lost.

“Last Thursday  horrific crash has pushed our community to the breaking point. We cannot wait for a fatal accident to occur before something is done,” it continues.

Local politicians including ward councillor Amanda Barnes-Andrews (Lab, Bitterne Park) and cabinet member Cllr Simon Letts (Lab, Peartree) are reportedly also calling for safety measures to be reviewed, with Letts pressing the police and crime commissioner for average speed checks.

As reported, police issued an appeal for information following last week’s crash.

The petition is here.

Campaign calling for ‘time to cross’ Bitterne Road West launching
Woman dies crossing Bitterne Road West
Audio: Protesters highlight dangers of crossing Bitterne Road West

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