Giving 0-5 year-olds a Sure Start

sure start logo bitterne bitterneparkBitterne & Bitterne Park Sure Start Community Development Worker Amy Brear writes about the Sure Start programme, and explains what’s on offer locally to give children aged 0-5 the best start in life.

Sure Start is a national programme that aims to improve the lives of families with children under 5. It is a part of the government's drive to tackle child poverty and social exclusion, by improving the health and wellbeing of families and children.

It is our mission to give children aged 0-5 the best start in life.

Sure Start Bitterne & Bitterne Park offer lots of different services and activities for children 0-5 and their carers. These include stay and play sessions, music sessions, and health and baby clinics. We also provide advice and support for parents including first time parent sessions, parenting courses, training and job opportunities.

Sessions are open to anyone with children aged 0-5 and are free to attend, except where run by external groups such as Amanda’s action club. For more information on the groups, courses and events we offer, please visit our Facebook page or call us on 023 8091 5480.

Amy Brear - Bitterne & Bitterne Park Sure Start Community Development Worker

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