Fund to tackle St Denys flood risk

The council’s been awarded nearly half a million pounds by the government to improve flood prevention measures in St Denys.


£472,000 has been awarded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to spend on a project which will run until March 2015. The aim is improve household and community flood resilience within the community at the lower end of Priory Road, which is at risk from tidal, groundwater and surface water flooding.

The council says the cash will be spent on various elements, including improving understanding of the risk, raising awareness and engaging with the community, implementing "property-level protection" and “developing community resilience” so people can respond more effectively when there’s a flood.

“This announcement is great news especially at a time when reports of severe flooding elsewhere in the country are a cause of great concern,” said the council’s cabinet member for environment and transport, Cllr Asa Thorpe.

“Working with the National Flood Forum, we will be able to use this money to understand the local risks better, identify vulnerable properties and raise awareness in the area about flood risks. We hope that improved knowledge will help prepare residents and businesses in case the worst should happen, and help them take preventative measures to help themselves.”


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