Bitterne Park residents questioned Chief Inspector Andrew Bottomley about local policing, heard the latest on airport expansion, and discussed the need for traffic calming measures in Bitterne Park at the Residents’ Association AGM on September 20.
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In response to one resident, who said she felt the police lacked visibility in the area, Chief Inspector Bottomley, District Commander at Bitterne Park police station, explained that his resources are very limited, and that there are only three beat officers to cover the whole of Bitterne, Harefield and Townhill.
Residents seemed particularly shocked to learn that resources are so sparse that Bitterne police station, which serves Bitterne Park, cannot even be kept open for some of the time.
There will however be seven Police Community Support Officers for the area in the next few months, said Chief Inspector Bottomley.
A second Bitterne Park Beat Surgery will be held on November 7, 7.30 — 9pm at Church House, Cobden Avenue, when local residents can meet their local beat officers — PC Cole, PC Stokes and PC Richards, and raise any issues of concern.
The meeting also heard that a crime reduction officer is available to advise residents over any individual security concern; to get in touch ask for the crime reduction officer on 0845 045 45 45.
Airport expansion
Airport Consultative Committee member for Bitterne Park Residents' Association Mary Finch urged local residents to “keep up the noise about airport expansion” by lobbying councillors, MPs, airlines, planners and BAA. She distributed a list of contacts from this website, and encouraged residents to share this information with their neighbours. She also explained that a new group, Against expansion at Eastleigh (AXE), had been formed to campaign around the issue, and asked residents to support future AXE initiatives.
Traffic calming
The meeting also heard that the Residents’ Association would continue to press for traffic calming measures in the local area.
The committee was re-elected for a further year.