Flood risk tonight

'Tide could be highest  seen for 20 years'

priory rd riverfront gdns high tide
Pictured: rear of Priory Road houses taken during previous surge on January 3.


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23:58 We're going to draw this coverage to a close for now. Thanks very much to everyone who sent us pics and info, especially Ian T, and thinking of everyone who's been affected by the tide/storm this evening.

23:47 Ian reports some properties flooded on Priory Rd South

23:40 "Riverside flooded to about 20ft back from benches."; "Dyers marine on Cobden Bridge flooded"

23:20 Ian T who's out and about tonight says Priory Rd north looks like there's a couple of flooded gardens - he can't see clearly. Priory Rd south "doesn't look good". He's on his way to Riverside as the tide turns - Priory Rd railway bridge is passable. Ian's pics are on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

23:00 Check our Facebook & Twitter feeds for the latest info/pics from St Denys

16:29 Environment Agency issues flood warning for tidal areas of the Itchen Estuary, and there's the likelihood of flooding tonight in St Denys, which could affect other properties near the estuary, as a surge accompanies the high tide at around 11 pm.

The agency says the tide could be the highest in 20 years. Expected high winds, which are already getting up at just after 6pm, could compound the situation. "Properties affected (but not exclusively) include Priory Road, St Denys, Woodmill Activity Centre, Riverside Park, Mansbridge, Shamrock Quay, Northam. All properties situated close to the estuary should be prepared for flooding," says the Environment Agency. 

The link to the flood warning on the Environment Agency's website is here.

We were alerted to the flood warning when Ian T tweeted at around 5pM:

This morning Peter Taylor posted on itchentides.org.uk, which offers community tide news:

"The Portsmouth surge forecast is presently suggesting about 1.2m tonight on top of a 4.4m tide. This would result in a 5.6m tide at around 11 o’clock to midnight  tonight, similar to March 2008 or the Boxing Day 1999 flood events. Priory Road would be expected to flood near the Public Hard and neighbouring houses will be at risk. It is also predicted to be very windy with waves on the river adding to the problem!"

There is a Met Office Yellow Warning for wind in Southampton valid from 15:00 Fri February 14 to 12:00 Saturday.

The Environment Agency flood warning for Mansbridge and Woodmill on the River Itchen says:

"Flows and river levels are high in the River Itchen and will rise following the heavy rainfall on Friday. We are approaching the next spring tide cycle and due to the high flows, properties are at risk of flooding for several hours over each high water period. Woodmill sluice is operating correctly and we have the sea door open at the moment in an attempt to keep water levels down. High tide over the next few days are at the following times: Friday 14 Feb 23:15 hrs, Saturday 11:23 hrs and 23:49 hrs, and Sunday 11:55 hrs. Properties should remain prepared for flooding. This Flood Warning will be updated on Saturday 15 February at 15:00 hours"

Thanks to Ian Turner for pointing to the St Denys post.

Pictured: rear of Priory Road houses taken during previous surge on January 3.


priory rd riverfront gdns high tide


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