New art group for toddlers

Mini Monets 200px j'Mini Monets', a new art group for toddlers who enjoy painting and drawing starts in Bitterne Park after February half term at The Ascension Centre.


The group offers small sessions of 10 - 12 designed to inspire creativity in 18 month to three-year-olds, and will be run by qualified art and design teacher Michelle Gilbert.

“There are no other art groups for little ones,” said Michelle. “Mini Monets will enable your child to experiment with paint, printing, chalk, pen and stickers without the mess at home!  Parents will assist their child and hopefully learn something new too! All equipment is provided as well as refreshments. It is designed to spark your little one’s creativity and explore new ideas and techniques.”

See our calendar for more information, or contact Michelle This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 07837 335849.

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