Bitterne Community Fun Day takes place on Thursday at Bitterne Precinct with street dance, arts and crafts, an inflatable football pitch and more.
This from the council in their own words.
The Right Worshipful Mayor of Southampton, Cllr Les Harris will open the second annual Bitterne Community Fun Day, this Thursday, 10 August, from 11am-3pm at Bitterne Precinct. Last year’s event attracted over 2,000 people and planners expect an even more enthusiastic response this year.
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Local businesses, Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and others will be offering fun for the whole family, including:
• Face painting
• Street dance
• Treasure hunt
• Arts and crafts
• Inflatable football pitch
• Bouncy castles
• Assault course
…and much more! Bitterne Community Fun Day is sponsored by Southampton City Council, and Sainsbury’s.
Cllr Warwick Payne, Cabinet Member for Housing and Adult Care, said:
"Our Junior Neighbourhood Wardens--including Co-ordinator Ian Mitchell--have done a fine job preparing this year's Bitterne Community Fun Day after such a successful one last year. While they will also be having their share of fun at the event, our junior wardens will be completing a project for the community with a mural in the alleyway just off the precinct."