Special needs steam railway carriage on track for October launch

miniature railway hoopsVolunteers who run the miniature railway in Riverside Park are to launch a special needs carriage capable of taking wheelchair users on train rides.



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The carriage is now apparently built with delivery expected later in the month, for a grand launch on October 22. Meanwhile members of the Southampton Society of Model Engineers, which it’s thought was founded in 1912, have been busy on associated works down at their Riverside Parkway base to enable the new equipment to run smoothly and safely.

Posting on our What’s On page, a club member says: “Visitors would have seen a metal skeleton of hoops appearing – these will form a tunnel to take our existing passenger trolleys whilst the curved concrete base nearby will provide support for the track which will connect the trolley tunnel to the raised running track.”

Meanwhile the railway continues to be open during fine weather every Sunday from 1-4pm up to mid-October, offering rides to the public for £1 for a double circuit. Cash raised goes towards the upkeep, maintenance and running costs of the track and grounds.

Previously: Audio: Celebrating 50 years of Riverside Park's miniature railway

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