Plans for Triangle mini-festival taking shape

clock tower triangle stylised thumbPlans for a “mini-festival”, known as ‘TriFest at the Triangle’ and taking place on Saturday, June 16, are starting to take shape.



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It will run from noon until 10pm, with a 30-metre section of road in front of the Butcher’s Hook pub closed to vehicles.

One of the organisers, Paul Jenks, said there will be various activities throughout the day, with from noon until 5pm having more of a family feel, hopefully with “stalls, games, music, face painting etc moving into the evening with a more sitting around eating/drinking/listening to music (acoustic only).”

“One thing we want to do is a community picnic, which we will be calling RiverFestminime in the park at about 15:00. Bring games, bring musical instruments and buy food and drink from the traders on the Triangle. This is an informal event so everyone must take individual responsibility for not leaving litter, controlling their children and keeping them safe etc.”

Riverside cycle rides are also on the bill, and there’s also likely to be other attractions at some local shops, for example The Songbird and The Old Chemist.

The St Denys Church Fair will be taking place on the same day, but it’s hoped that some people may visit both venues for the benefit of both events.

Organisers say there will be more information soon, and are interested to hear from people wanting to help on the day, or with preparations beforehand. The contact email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and there’s also a new website for the event at

Previously: Road closure approved for Triangle ‘mini-festival’ this summer



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