Riverside Pre-school’s St Denys setting ‘Outstanding’ – Ofsted

St Denys 009 460Ofsted’s first inspection of Riverside Pre-school’s St Denys site has rated it 'Outstanding’.



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The government’s schools watchdog, which judges educational institutions using a four-point scale ranging from ‘Inadequate’ up to ‘Outstanding’, visited the church setting in March.

It achieved an ‘Outstanding’ rating in all four areas of early years provision, which are: Effectiveness of the leadership and management; Quality of teaching, learning and assessment; Personal development, behaviour and welfare; and Outcomes for children.

Riverside Pre-school co-chair Jeff Skeats described it as a “fantastic achievement for the local community”.

He explained that the pre-school had taken over what was Sparklers a few years ago, and staff move between the two settings – in Bitterne Park next to the primary school, and the St Denys site at the church – to give the children the best possible experience.

The inspection report notes that Riverside Pre-school St Denys was registered in 2015. Children attend Monday to Friday from 8am until 3.30pm, during term time only. There are 15 staff, and it receives funding for free early education for children aged two, three and four years.

The Bitterne Park site was also given an ‘Outstanding’ rating at an inspection on April 25. 

Riverside Pre-school St Denys Ofsted inspection report (pdf)
Riverside Pre-school, Manor Farm Road inspection report (pdf)

Elsie cuts ribbon at new pre-school premises

St Denys 009 460

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