Theatre premieres new children’s show set in New Forest

hedgehog who couldnt sleep 460Nuffield Southampton Theatres (NST) premieres their first locally made children’s show for under 5s in NST City Studio Theatre from December 13: Humbug! The Hedgehog Who Couldn’t Sleep.



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Described as a “brand new, funny and uplifting tale for children”, it will run from December 13 – 30 and is a co-production with Dumbshow, a theatre company who specialise in making theatre for young children. 

Set locally in the snowy New Forest, Humbug the hedgehog is trying to hibernate for the winter but her home comes under threat and she is forced to leave. Humbug sets out on an exciting adventure in search of a new home, meeting a host of woodland friends along the way, including a fiendish fox, singing songbird and a merry mouse called Mo.

The style of the show is relaxed, with cushions on the floor for seating, designed for little ones to immerse themselves into the action. Humbug! The Hedgehog Who Couldn’t Sleep is a “funny and uplifting tale of friendship, community and belonging, recommended for under 5s”, according to NST.

Free drop in children’s activities will also be available with Friday and Saturday performances.

Tickets from the Box Office 023 8067 1771 or online at

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