Bring your reading glasses for ‘Miniature Portswood’ exhibition

miniature portswood graphic 200Reading glasses or a magnifier could come in handy for viewing an exhibition of intriguingly small artwork that celebrates Portswood, opening in new exhibition space on Saturday (Aug 3).



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‘Miniature Portswood’ by Romina Cristi Olate is “the way local artist Rco is saying goodbye to the neighbourhood [where] she has been living the last 3 years but at the same time the [birth] of a new Gallery Space for the city in the new premises of October Books…”

Romina will be present for the public launch, with celebratory drinks, from 12pm – 1pm (entry by free ticket here), and the work will be available to view in October Books’ community space until September 7 at 189 Portswood Road (SO17 2FN), when the space isn’t otherwise being used.

October Books says the co-operative bookshop is hoping to work with other artists who may want to exhibit in the future: contact the shop for further details.

miniature portswood graphic

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