Green light for ‘community hub’ in Bitterne

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

bitterne precinct under CC2 by Dave Jacobs

Plans for a new £32.9m community hub in Bitterne, which will include a leisure centre, library and health services, were approved by the council on Wednesday (Feb 26) as part of a £1bn investment package in the city.
Bitterne Precinct. Photo under CC2 by Dave Jacobs


As reported, along with the Bitterne hub the refurbishment of the Outdoor Sports Centre, and a revamp of the area between Southampton Central Railway Station and the waterfront are among other projects the council plans to deliver by 2025.

The plans approved by councillors also included a £21m investment into measures to tackle pollution, £250m to improve council homes, £1.5m on additional street cleaning and litter enforcement activities and £1.20m on refurbishing 15 play sites across Southampton.

This year the council will also spend £200,000 on the delivery of the first phase of the Mayflower Quarter while £500,000 is to be spent on delivering free fruit and yoghurt to more local schools in a bid to tackle child hunger.

It was agreed to freeze the “core council tax level” for 2020/21 but to increase the adult social care percept by 2%, with the money raised set to be used for adult social care servcies.

This means that the overall charge for the Southampton City Council element of the council tax will go from £1,535.52 to £1,566.18 for Band D households.

Savings totalling £7.8m in the 2020/21 have also been approved and will be made through a number of measures which include the reduction of senior managers.

Major makeover in Bitterne among city proposals

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