Southampton schools mobilise to provide hundreds of places for key workers’ children

schoolsign pixabayThe council says schools in Southampton have pulled out the stops and moved quickly to provide more than 900 places for the children of key workers, including frontline medical staff and many others whose work is critical to the response to the coronavirus epidemic.



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This from the council in their own words

In total, 987 school pupils are being looked after by primary and secondary schools in Southampton this week. This number includes children of key workers as well as those identified as vulnerable children and those on Education, Health and Social Care (EHCP) plans.

An important role has also been played by other childcare providers and education providers, although figures for these are not yet available.

Commenting on the swift reaction from the city’s schools, Councillor Darren Paffey, cabinet member for aspiration, children and lifelong learning, said:

“Southampton’s schools have responded brilliantly in fast-moving and unprecedented circumstances to help ensure that parents and carers who are critical to the coronavirus response can continue to work. I applaud everyone’s efforts in what is an extremely challenging period and it’s heartening to see how school staff, as well as staff at other childcare and education providers, have come together with the council to support the fight against coronavirus.”

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