Make time for play

Families in Southampton are invited to Hoglands Park this Friday (July 24) from 10am to 2pm for the city’s annual Play Day - a unique event in the region that attracts hundreds of children and their families.

Play Day is a completely free event for children and their parents and carers in Southampton that celebrates all children’s right to play. Busy, hectic and often overscheduled lifestyles can sometimes mean children don’t always get enough time to just play. This year’s Play Day theme - Make Time - is calling for everyone to think about how they can do just that: make time for children’s play.

Southampton City Council has been working with children's organisations and charities from across the city and they will all come together on Friday to put on a range of exciting activities; children can get stuck in to sand and water play, messy play, dough making, collage, circus skills, storytelling and loads more. They will be joined by the Mayor Southampton, Councillor Liz Mizon who will be at the event from 10am until 11am.

Cabinet Member for Young People and Skills, Cllr Terry Matthews, said: “Play Day has always proved to be a popular event and this year should be no exception. It’s a great, fun way to mark the start of the summer holidays as well as helping parents and carers find out about activities that are available in the coming weeks.

"Play Day is a great way to show parents and children how many play opportunities there are in Southampton and how important it is for them make time for play. We want to see Hoglands Park packed out on Friday - there`s room for everyone so come on down."

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